About this Blog:

I used to post regularly (okay that’s a lie – I used to post “semi-regularly” – mainly posts on the fanfiction and books I’ve  read), but in recent times, due to a thing called LIFE, I only post when I have something pressing I need to write about.


About me:

Name: Dani

Age: 24

Location: TX

Besides being a complete bookworm (and proud!), I graduated from college a couple years ago now and is working for a Fortune 500 company climbing that ladder that will hopefully lead me to better off places. I have high hopes for my future but I’m not sure I’m ready for the big bad world just yet, so I’m happy with where I am at at the moment. I’m not one who plans out their future. I don’t have a 5 year plan (maybe I should?!) and I’m completely okay with that (to the frustration of my parents). I find myself as a “go where ever the wind takes me” kind of person. Might make me lazy and unmotivated, but I know who I am.

I’m a generally timid person but when you get to know me I can become very talkative and outgoing. I have just a hand-full of best friends and we all live in different states now, so it’s mainly just me here. You can call me anti-social or a homebody, but I just prefer the company of myself more often than the company of others. Sounds terrible, but it’s true.

I am obsessed with squirrels (I have a squirrel tattoo), I am also obsessed with tattoos but am trying not to go crazy since I’m still young and have a lot more life to live and tattoos to get ;)

Wouldn’t it be great if I could get paid to read all day? Life would be perfect if that were the case. I thought about becoming a book editor at one point in my life, but my grammar is not the best and reading and rereading a book and then correcting all the mistakes would be a pain in the butt. Then again, it would be great to discover the next J. K. Rowling.

For anyone interested, my Twitter handle is the same as this blog: danisaysnihao. I don’t write on here as often as I like and I read a lot more than I post reviews on here, so follow me on there for regular updates. Hit me up if have any questions or comments :)